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10 Prettiest Retirement Towns


August 17.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter. 

Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas for our "Prettiest Towns" article. They were all good ones, and you can find them (and more) in today's Feature article.

We are honored to be a  guest blogger at today, where the subject is how got started (see below). And don't miss the many new Comments on some of  our older articles, particularly on "Weather Influences Retirement Decisions" and "Dueling Retirements: Pacific Northwest"

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This delightful town of Norwegian heritage was recommended by one of our Members as a pretty town for retirement.  It has a college (Luther College) and great fishing too.
OK, we admit that picking the 10 prettiest towns is a job for King Solomon. But we've done our best with these amazing selections - plus 12 more submitted by our Members.
Two different Members suggested Bristol as a "Pretty" city. Dating back to the 1600's, it's a deep water seaport  situated on a peninsula - Narragansett Bay is on the west and Mount Hope Bay on the east.
Your editor is honored to be the guest blogger today at a popular site for writers,   Basically the story is how Topretirements came to be.  You might find it interesting, particularly since this is the site's 10th Anniversary Year (more about that coming later).
Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, please forward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign up page.


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